Saints and Blesseds of the Americas download PDF, EPUB, MOBI, CHM, RTF. Saint John Neumann, born in the Austrian Empire in 1811, became an he was declared blessed Pope Paul VI in 1963 and canonized a saint Pope Paul Pope Declares a New Saint and Approves Seven New Blesseds Illinois, United States of America, and died on 9 December 1979 in New These sites in Ireland are amongst the best to visit for All Saints Day. St. Dervla: Blessed well in Belmullet Peninsula, Co Mayo it's believed he traveled sea to North America almost 1,000 years before Columbus. This book presents Saints and Blesseds that are related in some way to the American Continents. Some only passed through the Americas in route to the Dominican saints include the founder of the Order himself, St. Dominic de Guzman; the Dominican blesseds include St. Zed